Day 7: Bridge Repair

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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    25 days ago


    I finally got around to doing day 7. I try the brute force method (takes several seconds), but I’m particularly proud of my sequence generator for operation permutations.

    The Collection#rotate method is in the file Utils.kt, which can be found in my repo.

    import kotlin.collections.any
    import kotlin.math.pow
    fun main() {
        fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
            val operations = setOf(CalibrationOperation.Plus, CalibrationOperation.Multiply)
            return generalizedSolution(input, operations)
        fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
            val operations = setOf(CalibrationOperation.Plus, CalibrationOperation.Multiply, CalibrationOperation.Concat)
            return generalizedSolution(input, operations)
        val testInput = readInput("Day07_test")
        check(part1(testInput) == 3749L)
        check(part2(testInput) == 11387L)
        val input = readInput("Day07")
    fun parseInputDay7(input: List<String>) = {
        val calibrationResultAndInput = it.split(':')
        calibrationResultAndInput[0].toLong() to calibrationResultAndInput[1].split(' ').filter { it != "" }.map { it.toLong() }
    fun generalizedSolution(input: List<String>, operations: Set<CalibrationOperation>): Long {
        val parsedInput = parseInputDay7(input)
        val operationsPermutations = CalibrationOperation.operationPermutationSequence(*operations.toTypedArray()).take(calculatePermutationsNeeded(parsedInput, operations)).toList()
        return sumOfPossibleCalibrationEquations(parsedInput, operationsPermutations)
    fun calculatePermutationsNeeded(parsedInput: List<Pair<Long, List<Long>>>, operations: Set<CalibrationOperation>): Int {
        val highestNumberOfOperations = parsedInput.maxOf { it.second.size - 1 }
        return (1..highestNumberOfOperations).sumOf { operations.size.toDouble().pow(it).toInt() }
    fun sumOfPossibleCalibrationEquations(parsedInput: List<Pair<Long, List<Long>>>, operationPermutationCollection: Collection<OperationPermutation>): Long {
        val permutationsGrouped = operationPermutationCollection.groupBy { it.size }
        return parsedInput.sumOf { (equationResult, equationInput) ->
            if (permutationsGrouped[equationInput.size - 1]!!.any { operations ->
                    equationResult == equationInput.drop(1)
                        .foldIndexed(equationInput[0]) { index, acc, lng -> operations[index](acc, lng) }
                }) equationResult else 0
    typealias OperationPermutation = List<CalibrationOperation>
    sealed class CalibrationOperation(val operation: (Long, Long) -> Long) {
        operator fun invoke(a: Long, b: Long) = operation(a, b)
        object Plus : CalibrationOperation({ a: Long, b: Long -> a + b })
        object Multiply : CalibrationOperation({ a: Long, b: Long -> a * b })
        object Concat : CalibrationOperation({ a: Long, b: Long -> "$a$b".toLong() })
        companion object {
            fun operationPermutationSequence(vararg operations: CalibrationOperation) = sequence<OperationPermutation> {
                val cache = mutableListOf<OperationPermutation>()
                val calculateCacheRange = { currentLength: Int ->
                    val sectionSize = operations.size.toDouble().pow(currentLength - 1).toInt()
                    val sectionStart = (1 until currentLength - 1).sumOf { operations.size.toDouble().pow(it).toInt() }
                    sectionStart..(sectionStart + sectionSize - 1)
                // Populate the cache with initial values for permutation length 1.
                operations.forEach { operation -> yield(listOf(operation).also { cache.add(it) }) }
                var currentLength = 2
                var offset = 0
                var cacheRange = calculateCacheRange(currentLength)
                var rotatingOperations = operations.toList()
                    generateSequence {
                        if (cacheRange.count() == offset) {
                            rotatingOperations = rotatingOperations.rotated(1)
                            if (rotatingOperations.first() == operations.first()) {
                            offset = 0
                            cacheRange = calculateCacheRange(currentLength)
                        val cacheSlice = cache.slice(cacheRange)
                        return@generateSequence (cacheSlice[offset] + rotatingOperations.first()).also {
                            cache += it