A total inability to write code correctly today slowed me down a bit, but I got there in the end. Merry Christmas, everyone <3
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
readInput = partitionEithers . map readEntry . splitOn [""] . lines
readEntry ls =
(if head (head ls) == '#' then Left else Right)
. map (length . head . group)
$ transpose ls
main = do
(locks, keys) <- readInput <$> readFile "input25"
print . length $ filter (and . uncurry (zipWith (<=))) ((,) <$> locks <*> keys)
It was nice to see some of the same faces (as it were) again from last year!
Also great to see more Haskell solutions, and props to those crazy enough to write in J and Uiua.