Unfortunately a lot of jobs require passwords and they use outdated security processes, forcing people to have the old fashioned “must have uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character & you have to change it every 3 months for no reason” passwords instead of the stronger (and less annoying) alternatives.
i signed up at mba.com and it wouldn’t let me use a password because it contained a semicolon which wasn’t on the approved list of special characters, and then - get this - because I tried too many times to create a password - locked me out because I had “too many failed attempts”
Its been less frustrating since I moved to a password manager
Unfortunately a lot of jobs require passwords and they use outdated security processes, forcing people to have the old fashioned “must have uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character & you have to change it every 3 months for no reason” passwords instead of the stronger (and less annoying) alternatives.
i signed up at mba.com and it wouldn’t let me use a password because it contained a semicolon which wasn’t on the approved list of special characters, and then - get this - because I tried too many times to create a password - locked me out because I had “too many failed attempts”