Hey there! Tell us what you like! Share your interests, you might find some other buddies who share interests with you. Either way, think of this as sort of a show and tell. Share as much as you’d like. Feel free to show/link some examples if you’d like. Let’s have fun with it =)!

  • Halasham@dormi.zone
    2 months ago
    • Video Games Mostly those that allow me to tinker or engineer or just optimize from a lot of options available to the player. Minecraft, especially with the Create Mod, is a great example. I can engineer to my heart’s content with it. Space Engineers is one that if feels like I should love it but I have a hard time getting into it.
    • Leftist Political Ideologies Mostly Marxism and it’s sub-groups but also Anarcho-Communism as well. This includes the history of attempts at those systems and modern examples. Sometimes this gets frustrating when I encounter an unironic use of a wholly, or almost wholly, false point being brought out again. Unfortunately some of the big names have writing styles so dry they could sap the moisture from the Atlantic.
    • World History in general Especially early to mid modern history and ancient history. Military history from any point in time is also pretty enjoyable to me. Sometimes it’s frustrating like learning that a major problem of today was almost wholly caused by one person in the past having a particular preference for X over Y (ex Ford preferring internal combustion for his cars over battery power).
    • Urban Design I like learning about what is and isn’t effective in terms of how to build places that work for people. What makes places safer or more dangerous, how to reduce stress through little design tricks, and how places can be a net positive for the wider area they’re in. Also trains on both large and small scale.
    • Computer Programming/IT Out of all my interests this is the one I’m perusing as something I could have a job doing. Working with computers strikes a nice balance between rules being clear and exact and being open-ended enough to allow for creative solutions. Also learned I have a strong preference for C++ over Javascript. That may be because I learned C++ first and Javascript is a lot more typing intensive to do simple things.
    • cashmaggot@piefed.socialOP
      2 months ago

      Hey, are you the human that said that you felt uncomfortable with the weird movement? Cause someone here said that and said they were Anarcho-Communist and here ^^ You’re saying that too. I, without reading anything (like a well informed human) have been kicking around what this concept could even be. I didn’t want to read about it yet, because it’s really easy to just tip-tap-type on the internet and *click* bing -> get an answer. But I wanted to kick around what this is. And I am still kind of at a loss. Best I can come to is Anarchism <---- Void order/government | Organized for the people/Equality ----> Communism. So you’re like a…order-less egalitarian? Idk, you can give me the low-low or I can start giving it a lookie loo, but it’s what I came to.

      On history, I have been trying to tease this out of my brain as well. But more so this concept that humans are not wholly different than we ever have been. Even if technology has changed us. And I was thinking that perhaps we could use the basin of knowledge of historians to point towards past-follies which might help our current ones. I know someone on here had a fantastic explanation of fascism and how it often uses arguments that contradict themselves. I would love more easily digestible factoids that could be slowly spread en-masse to others to wake the masses from their lulls. I think it’d be pretty great. Also thanks to someone on here I spent about three hours chunking through the 30 Year War earlier. I wish history was one of my fixations, but it is fun to dabble with.

      Urban design is interesting, because I think the way American cities are built are pretty bunk and I would love to see a revitalization movement not full of all those weird mod-esq blocky greige apartments. I wish we upped the foot traffic and downed the car traffic. Trains are great too, not sure why America didn’t want to install rails all over the joint. I feel crippled if I don’t have a Metro I can hop on =

      If you have a quaint personality and can communicate well you can do well as a dev. I wish you could be a cave troll, living in isolation, rolling out code waterfall style. I want to hunt whoever created Scrum Most Dangerous Game style. But that’s just me. If you dig C++, study C++. It doesn’t really matter what language you learn, just that you understand the concepts behind the act. And then you can translate that to other languages if you need to - and pick up the nuances as you go. And of course, first and foremost just being able to understand what to look up and what to reach out over.


      But I’m not genius or nothing. Either way feel free to talk back =)

      • Halasham@dormi.zone
        2 months ago

        Actually I’m a Marxist. However don’t see much reason in perpetuating the red/black divide. Both groups have the same end-goal in mind, we just want to do the two major steps in reverse order compared to each-other. The end goal is a stateless society without need of currency and without the division of people into different classes. To drastically oversimplify centuries of work to get there we need to do two things:

        • Abolish Capitalism
        • Abolish Nationalism

        Side note: As you may be able to infer from those two steps Anarcho-Capitalism and National Socialism aren’t really from either system, rather they’ve pretty much just stolen the terms for their use rather that denote relatedness to other Anarcho-s or Socialisms.

        Communists want to do them in the order I presented, generally by seizing control of the State and using it to destroy capitalism then adopting reforms to slowly make the State pointless. Anarchists want to destroy the State first then get rid of Capitalism.

        One big misconception about Anarchism is that it isn’t for chaos and disorder, it’s for the end of unjustified hierarchy. An actual Anarchist experiment would still have social order, rather than be the chaotic social breakdown that is called Anarchism as a means of disinformation. A lot of Anarchist works explain how systems of voluntary cooperation can work and would be helpful to society.

        Unfortunately America’s bad urban design is the product of legal corruption, lobbying, on the part of the automotive industry. Good urban design invalidates any need for a car and so the companies that make and sell cars pour billions into ensuring that ours will continue to be horrible. We used to have trains that went everywhere and they were great but again that was all unraveled for the sake of the dead-last worst way to move people in bulk: cars.