Link is to an older podcast episode, and The Money Guy YouTube channel occasionally talks about FINE instead of FIRE.

Here’s the definitions of each:

  • FINE - Financial Independence Next Endeavor
  • FIRE - Financial Independence Retire Early

Basically, FINE focuses on what you plan to do after achieving financial independence, whereas FIRE tends to focus on cessation of working. I always called it FI (leave off the retirement part), but I suppose FINE works.

Anyway, just wondering what everyone else is planning to do once they hit Financial Independence, whether that’s retirement or starting something new. I’ll leave mine in the comments.

    4 months ago

    I think about my next endeavors a lot. I make it a point to invest some time in them now while I still have the energy. I know some people who retired and felt a little lost because work was their raison d’etre or they were waiting for retirement to pick up a hobby.

    If I hit FI, I plan on immersing myself in my hobbies (playing guitar, photography, gardening), building furniture for family and friends, and exercising more. And spending time in nature.

    Also, since my dog is a recue, my altruistic pipe dream is to make enough money so I can buy some land and adopt a bunch of shelter dogs. Maybe even start a non-profit so I could pay the people who work at rescues a decent wage bc some of them are saints.