Need to expand local storage for local media streaming. Running a regular desktop on linux.

I am willing to spend money on “the best” for streaming purpose while and hopefully something I can keep reusing down the road if it lasts.

    3 months ago

    SSDs and HDDs are very different. An SSD will be very fast, but also cost like 5x the price of an HDD. And if you just want to stream movies to one or two devices simultaneously you don’t even need a fast harddisk. Practically any will do. And no matter the supposed quality of the drives, it’ll be the same data and digital files on them. The one thing you’d be concerned with is whether they fail prematurely. Someone linked the Backblaze drive statistics. They’re a bit hard to read and one same manufacturer might have better and worse product lines. And some are missing in the statistics. Those might be good or bad. Just avoid any negative outliers in the statistics. Most disks are fine these days (I think). And you’d need to know how much space you need. Be generous. And there is a sweet-spot at a certain size range where price per gigabyte will be the lowest.

    And do backups in case a sdd/hdd does fail.