Satisfactory won the Game of the Year award from the Golden Joysticks!

    4 months ago

    Personally I find the belt system super tedious. Trying to run a triple stack of belts is a long boring pain in the ass.

    Building on foundation pieces makes building those triple stacks of belts way less of a hassle, and trains and drones eventually remove the need to run those cross-map triple stacks at all. I actually feel the opposite, belting in Factorio is more tedious to me. Thinking about balancing and sidedness is way more nitpicky than anything in Satisfactory, and Satisfactory gives you the tools to simplify belt usage as you progress, whereas Factorio makes belting more complicated as you progress.

    When you get blueprints they come late and are small. Then never get very large.

    I actually think this is a good limitation for Satisfactory - it encourages you to think more modularly, and blueprint building blocks for yourself, rather than entire factories. It makes you spend more time in your factory, rather than just zooming out and copy-paste plonking down another red circuit column. I think this is on purpose because Satisfactory leans into the base building aspect more than the factory sim aspect, whereas Factorio is the opposite.

    There are never any interesting builds. Its just use a, b to make c, d, e, to make f and then c, f to make g.

    This is a wild oversimplification lol. Once you get into oil processing, a large number of processes require managing by-products which adds complexity, a majority of the mid- to late-game recipes require 3 to 4 inputs, and towards the late game, a lot of the subcomponents require large, complex, dedicated subfactories to make efficiently, which then forces you to think about the logistics of transporting all those subcomponents around to combine them into your end products, and making those subfactories scalable so you can increase production of that subcomponent without having to build a whole new factory. And that’s not even getting into the base-building/architectural/beautification aspects.

    There is also the writing which is annoying and the small story goes nowhere.

    The story was completely overhauled and expanded in the 1.0 update. Even in the early access versions though, I feel like that story had more depth than what little story there is in Factorio. I can understand not liking the writing, different strokes for different folks, but the story definitely goes somewhere now, as of the 1.0 update.