i honestly wish i could find a way to describe this is that doesn’t sound like clickbait, we’re not even using mods
Approximate a circle with cubic Bézier curves: https://spencermortensen.com/articles/bezier-circle/
seththepotate’s video on a beam-based hypertube railcannon: https://youtu.be/iTAwpAM3YMk
I learned how to use bezier curves from You Suck At Photoshop: https://youtu.be/YNfBF2xvhaE
That’s also where I learned to call people babies as a joke in a tutorial, but I’ve discovered that’s not my style.
Satisfactory tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd0z_0Gxs3VAi6T8Gr5Ip0g_oMX5LPNst
This Wizard Found a GUN…: https://youtu.be/-rOaE0ExZSA
Youtube video link (if that’s your thing ig idk): https://youtu.be/dEaB0cbiotY
No blueprints this time, but this description is lowkey unhinged so that’s fun.
Also I know I misspoke when I called them “fourth order bezier curves”, but technically it could be right for all we know. Any bezier spline can be perfectly replicated by a higher order spline. I mean I know that’s not what the game is using but we can’t actually prove it.
Also hey folks check it out it’s my first peertube link!
Haven’t been able to watch all of those videos but I love the first one, instant sub. I loved the animations at the start of all the curves being constructed. I nearly showed a gif from wikipedia of that in my video but I decided it wasn’t so necessary.