Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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    3 months ago


    I just mapped the filesystem onto a list holding value at each block (with -1 for spaces), and manipulated that.

    It’s slow, but it’s honest work.

    Slow version
    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    List<int> parse(List<String> lines) => lines.first
        .mapIndexed((i, e) => List.filled(e, (i.isOdd ? -1 : i ~/ 2)))
        .reduce((s, t) => s + t);
    part1(List<String> lines) {
      var fs = parse(lines);
      var i = 0;
      while ((i = fs.indexOf(-1)) >= 0) {
        while (fs.last == -1) {
        fs[i] = fs.removeLast();
      return fs.mapIndexed((i, e) => i * e).sum;
    Function eq = const ListEquality().equals;
    part2(List<String> lines) {
      var fs = parse(lines);
      for (var target in + 1).reversed) {
        var index = fs.indexOf(target);
        var length = fs.sublist(index).takeWhile((e) => e == target).length;
        var sseq = List.filled(length, -1);
        var space = fs
            .where((e) => e < index)
            .firstWhereOrNull((i) => eq(fs.sublist(i, i + length), sseq));
        if (space == null) continue;
        // Copy the file, clear old location.
        fs.replaceRange(space, space + length, List.filled(length, target));
        fs.replaceRange(index, index + length, List.filled(length, -1));
      return fs.mapIndexed((i, e) => i * max(e, 0)).sum;

    Updated version

    Massive speedup from implementing a modified Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm -> around 0.5sec runtime for part 2.

    I really don’t understand why efficiently matching a sublist isn’t a builtin function. Implementing it manually was half an hour of unneeded head-scratching.

    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    List<int> parse(List<String> lines) => lines.first
        .mapIndexed((i, e) => List.filled(e, (i.isOdd ? -1 : i ~/ 2)))
    part1(List<String> lines) {
      var fs = parse(lines);
      var i = 0;
      while ((i = fs.indexOf(-1)) >= 0) {
        while (fs.last == -1) {
        fs[i] = fs.removeLast();
      return fs.mapIndexed((i, e) => i * e).sum;
    part2(List<String> lines) {
      var fs = parse(lines);
      for (var target in + 1).reversed) {
        var index = fs.indexOf(target);
        var length = fs.skip(index).takeWhile((e) => e == target).length;
        int? space = findSpace(index, length, fs);
        if (space == null) continue;
        // Copy the file, clear old location.
        fs.setRange(space, space + length, List.filled(length, target));
        fs.setRange(index, index + length, List.filled(length, -1));
      return fs.mapIndexed((i, e) => i * max(e, 0)).sum;
    /// Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
    int? findSpace(int limit, int length, List<int> fs) {
      for (var si = 0; si < limit - length + 1; si++) {
        if (fs[si] != -1) continue;
        var match = true;
        for (var ssi in {
          if (fs[si + ssi] != -1) {
            si += ssi;
            match = false;
        if (match) return si;
      return null;