Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

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    3 months ago


    This was fun, I optimized away quite a bit, as a result it now runs in 0.04s for both parts together on my 2016 laptop.

    In part 1 I just run through the array with a start- and an end-index whilst summing up the checksum the entire time.
    In part 2 I build up Binary Trees of Free Space which allow me to efficiently search for and insert free spaces when I start traversing the disk from the back. Marking the moved files as free is omitted because the checksum is calculated for every file that is moved or not moved directly.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Bifunctor
    import Control.Arrow hiding (first, second)
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Ord as Ord
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Char as Char
    import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as UArray
    toNumber = flip (-) (Char.ord '0') <<< Char.ord 
    type FileID = Int
    type FileLength = Int
    type DiskPosition = Int
    type File = (FileID, (DiskPosition, FileLength))
    type EmptyMap = Map FileLength (Set DiskPosition)
    readDisk :: DiskPosition -> [(Bool, FileLength)] -> [(Bool, (DiskPosition, FileLength))]
    readDisk _ [] = []
    readDisk o ((True, l):fs)  = (True, (o, l))  : readDisk (o+l) fs
    readDisk o ((False, l):fs) = (False, (o, l)) : readDisk (o+l) fs
    parse2 :: String -> ([File], EmptyMap)
    parse2 s = takeWhile (/= '\n')
            >>> map toNumber
            >>> zip (cycle [True, False]) -- True is File, False is empty
            >>> readDisk 0
            >>> List.partition fst
            >>> join bimap (map snd)
            >>> first (zip [0..])
            >>> first List.reverse
            >>> second (filter (snd >>> (/= 0)))
            >>> second (List.sortOn snd)
            >>> second (List.groupBy (curry $ (snd *** snd) >>> uncurry (==)))
            >>> second ( (snd . head &&& map fst))
            >>> second ( (second Set.fromDistinctAscList))
            >>> second Map.fromDistinctAscList
            $ s
    maybeMinimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
    maybeMinimumBy _ [] = Nothing
    maybeMinimumBy f as = Just $ List.minimumBy f as
    fileChecksum fid fpos flen = fid * (fpos * flen + ((flen-1) * (flen-1) + (flen-1)) `div` 2)
    type Checksum = Int
    moveFilesAccumulate :: (Checksum, EmptyMap) -> File -> (Checksum, EmptyMap)
    moveFilesAccumulate (check, spaces) (fid, (fpos, flen)) = do
            let bestFit = (Set.minView)
                    >>> Map.toList
                    >>> List.filter (fst >>> (>= flen))
                    >>> List.filter (snd >>> Maybe.isJust)
                    >>> (second Maybe.fromJust) -- [(FileLength, (DiskPosition, Set DiskPosition))]
                    >>> List.filter (snd >>> fst >>> (< fpos))
                    >>> maybeMinimumBy (\ (_, (p, _)) (_, (p', _)) -> p p')
                    $ spaces
            case bestFit of
                    Nothing -> (check + fileChecksum fid fpos flen, spaces)
                    Just (spaceLength, (spacePosition, remainingSet)) -> do
                            -- remove the old empty entry by replacing the set
                            let updatedMap  = Map.update (const $! Just remainingSet) spaceLength spaces
                            -- add the remaining space, if any
                            let remainingSpace = spaceLength - flen
                            let remainingSpacePosition = spacePosition + flen
                            let updatedMap' = if remainingSpace == 0 then updatedMap else Map.insertWith (Set.union) remainingSpace (Set.singleton remainingSpacePosition) updatedMap
                            (check + fileChecksum fid spacePosition flen, updatedMap')
    parse1 :: String -> UArray Int Int
    parse1 s = UArray.listArray (0, sum lengthsOnly - 1) blocks
                    lengthsOnly = filter (/= '\n')
                            >>> map toNumber
                            $ s :: [Int]
                    blocks = zip [0..]
                            >>> List.concatMap (\ (index, n) -> if index `mod` 2 == 0 then replicate n (index `div` 2) else replicate n (-1))
                            $ lengthsOnly :: [Int]
    moveBlocksAccumulate :: Int -> Int -> UArray Int Int -> Int
    moveBlocksAccumulate start stop array
            | start      == stop   = if startBlock == -1 then 0 else start * startBlock
            | start      >  stop   = 0
            | stopBlock  == -1     = moveBlocksAccumulate start (stop - 1) array
            | startBlock == -1     = movedChecksum + moveBlocksAccumulate (start + 1) (stop - 1) array
            | startBlock /= -1     = startChecksum + moveBlocksAccumulate (start + 1) stop array
                    startBlock    = array UArray.! start
                    stopBlock     = array UArray.! stop
                    movedChecksum = stopBlock * start
                    startChecksum = startBlock * start
    part1 a = moveBlocksAccumulate 0 arrayLength a
                    (_, arrayLength) = UArray.bounds a
    part2 (files, spaces) = foldl moveFilesAccumulate (0, spaces)
            >>> fst
            $ files
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 . parse1 &&& part2 . parse2)