I was thinking on buying a 2-4 bay HDD powered enclosure as a NAS for my mini pc, since I already have that, and buying or building a full-fledged diy NAS seems a bit expensive.
I want to hear some opinions from you guys, since it seems using this method is a mixed area from the selfhosted pros. I would be hoping that by using a powered enclosure, that would alleviate or solve the USB port overcharging issue, which have appeared in my mini pc when trying out an external HDD with a normal sata to usb converter.
Did you have any experiences with a setup like this one?
If you use a reputable brand, such as TerraMaster you’ll avoid all of the scare stories you hear.
Almost everything bad seems to be along the lines of
Something like this:
It’ll be faster than your spinning rust anyway, as long as you have high speed ports on your mini PC.
I was very intrigued until they wanted my email before showing me the “Quick Installation Guide”.
Err, you mean the piece of paper that came in the box, or is available to download on their website as a link without having to register?
I followed the support link in their menu, clicked on quick guide and got this page: https://support.terra-master.com/quickguide/
Are you not presented with a form forcing you to enter an email?
That’s weird that there are several ways to get access to the Quick Guides, and some seem to want an email.
However it doesn’t use it and takes junk (I just used [email protected] which was accepted), but sad that the form you found needed it.
But to answer your question, no I missed that link and went to “downloads” which also has the guide but doesn’t appear to require any email.
Great, was starting to wonder if I was being singled out and they just wanted my email 😀
I still don’t understand why they have that form at all.
No such thing in their website from europe
I just did a websearch and first result was a download link on their US website too which didn’t require registration.
There seems to be a lot of nonsense on here.
I don’t know but usually uk websites are the worsts of the bunch
The reputable brand that quietly updated my device in the middle of the night and reset my password to a randomly generated one, locking me out of the device? That brand? The brand that runs their OS off of a USB stick inside the device so it’s always a ticking time bomb that might just stop working randomly? That one?
Bought only the nas hardware, no software or enclosures with OS from the and had no problems
Update your DAS? What are you talking about?
Are you alright?