Hi, I am the developer of PdfDing. One thing I am not sure about is the frequency of my releases. What do you folks prefer in self-hosted projects? More releases in order to get new features as fast as possible or fewer releases with bigger feature additions?

  • Higgs boson@dubvee.org
    2 months ago

    My background is in enterprise software, so that is obviously different than a desktop tool for individual use, but it informs my opinions.

    In general it depends on the use (is it “production” critical, etc) as well as the update and distribution mechanisms.

    I have several (mostly for windows) FOSS projects i have stopped using or just rarely update because they require too many steps to update, and/or do so too often.Or they require a reboot. Some of them prompt for an update every time I start them. Feh.

    That said, if there isn’t much friction like testing cycles or manual steps to update, I want faster updates.

    Most of my self-hosted stuff falls into the category of getting updates via package managers or docker. Those are often seemless and do not require manual steps.