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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Those commercial displays are nothing but heavily stripped down TVs with anything unnecessary to being a advertising display removed. and maybe a tiny, grossly overpriced and heavily cut down computer built into it to run the slideshows/menus/whatever.

    also, TVs in a certain size range are generally cheap because manufacturing has gotten to the point that each mother can produce a ton of screens for it. and the reason that cheap range size has gone up over the years is because improvements in the printing technology and the size of the mother glass.

  • I’m more and more inclined towards the idea of piracy myself as time goes on and media continues to shave itself down into more and more ridiculous, unrelated shards, that you have to subscribe to just to be able to SEE if they have what you want.

    I don’t actively do it actively since I dont really know where to begin, and things I have found have been to sketch for me, or requiring memberships or even payments to join.

  • the problem is so many people are willing to say they’ll take a stand.

    but when the time comes, the mindnumbingly overwhelming majority suck it up, because they must have their precious shiny and can not suffer even the mildest of inconvenience.

    Its my biggest gripe in gaming, but its a enormous gripe just in general, with everything. because it doesnt matter if you are talking about appliances, creative software, video games, streaming services, stores, etc.

  • You are trying to put the onus on end users, while also simultainously pursuing some weird guilt based appeal to emotion.

    And still refuse to address the core issue, which is the lack of moderation and policing of content creating the essential need for adblockers in the first place.

    Ad companies don’t get create this toxic hellscape, then blame end users with wrung hands and empty “Won’t someone thing of the poor content creators” appeals to emotion to try and handwave the responsibility away.

    Why won’t they think of the content creators? Why wont they do something to reduce the actual necessity for adblock in the interest of the poor, downtrodden content creators?

    Especially in a world where far better alternatives (like merch and patreon type sites) exists to give them money, directly, without having to deal with advertising hellscapes.

  • I don’t voluntarily consume malware, malicious software, or hate speech/propaganda.

    Its just forced upon me when I don’t protect myself.

    Are you really happy with yourself, white knighting for the poor defenseless advertising companies? The ones who serve this shit, without policing or moderation? The lack of which is precisely why adblocking, the thing you are trying to blame users for with your disingenuous “You criticize society, yet you exist in society… interesting” type argument, exists in the first place.

    All the ad companies have to do to get rid of adblocking is police and moderate their content that they serve. Something they actively refuse to do.

    And yet you don’t have a single criticism for that. You have nothing but vigorous defense of it, and shifting of blame to the users, for it.