Full agreement, way ahead of you. Instead of having a robust, publicly funded infrastructure-based necessity (internet service), it gets chopped up and sold piece-by-piece with price-gouging and local monopolies like warlords.
This town, in fact, has more than enough room for the two of us
Full agreement, way ahead of you. Instead of having a robust, publicly funded infrastructure-based necessity (internet service), it gets chopped up and sold piece-by-piece with price-gouging and local monopolies like warlords.
Co-ops are cool, but markets in general have far too many disadvantages for me to advocate for market-based Socialism over a non-market solution.
Markets are extremely bad when it comes to proper allocation of essentials. Infrastructure in general should be nationalized at minimum, and heavily invested in.
Nationalize internet.
Not just mods, but the entire Capitalistic model.
Leftists go to Lemmy because Lemmy is FOSS, ie leftist, and was made by a Communist. Reddit mostly has liberals.
Hyperloop should be halted and replaced with high speed rail, and starlink should be nationalized. Musk keeps rinsing and repeating his grand privatized infrastructure projects where he essentially embezzles public funds.
That’s the biggest thing for me. If I can get a similar phone to work in the US with no stability or functional compromises, I’m happy.
IP in general is a very difficult idea to support. In theory, it’s supposed to reward innovation, but in practice it results in stagnation and price gouging.
It doesn’t have to.
Enshittification infects all.
Asterra’s and WMIM have bugs associated with them.
VNV is very lightweight, and VNV extended is unnecessary if you don’t want to do the whole guide. It really is the gold standard for a reason, the input is as low as it can be for a maximum output, which I’d argue is important for most people, especially considering the problems the Vanilla game has.
It’s all up to you, of course! You can probably use Wabbajack if you wanted to, I don’t actually have a Deck yet but that’s what I’ll do once I grab the OLED model today and it finally arrives.
is a fantastic one stop shop.
Most mods require Ultimate Edition, you’ll find.
A bit late, but this list has a number of issues, notably things like ENB. For anyone wanting a minimal mod list, is the gold standard.
Depends entirely on what you play. For most people, a standard gaming PC is going to be your best bet, especially if you play FPS titles, but for a select group of people a Steam Deck makes a ton of sense.
If you play mainly older titles, are on the go frequently, and enjoy a console experience, you can even hook your Deck up to a TV with a docking station, or to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It’s super convenient, and is like a gaming laptop/console hybrid, almost like a switch with an entire capable Linux install for productivity.
For someone in need of something like that, I think a Deck might make more sense!
The worst is the ever-shortening of content into an addictive format. It reduces mental clarity.
Depends on the country, honestly. In America, I’m more inclined to believe Syndicalism would work, reform won’t meaningfully happen from within.
In general, I’m anti-tendency and believe that the material conditions of each space need to be analyzed independently.