I’ve tried to learn Vim in the past but IMO it is not worth it at all. In a world without multiple cursors… sure, maybe. With multiple cursors? No way. I can can edit just as fast as I’ve seen any Vim user do it, and without having to remember a gazillion mnemonics and deal with the silly modal thing.
Multiple cursor editing even has some significant advantages over Vim style, e.g. it’s interactive, so you can do your edit gradually and go back if you make a mistake. Rather than having to write a complex command and only finding out it if works at the end. (If you’ve used regex find & replace you’ll understand that problem.)
I’ll probably get downvoted for this since Vim is kind of a cult, and Vim users get a sense of superiority from it. Kind of like audiophiles - they don’t appreciate it if you tell them their £10k valve amp doesn’t actually sound any better than your £1k digital amp.
For editing on remote computers I use VSCode remote or Micro for quick tasks.
Yeah the main reason is performance. In some languages if you use a value “linearly” (i.e. there’s only ever one copy) then functional style updates can get transformed to mutable in-place updates under the hood, but usually it’s seen as a performance optimisation, whereas you often want a performance guarantee.
Koka is kind of an exception, but even there they say:
From that point of view it’s quite similar to tail recursion. It’s often viewed as an optional optimisation but often you want it to be guaranteed so some languages have a keyword like
to do that.Also it’s sometimes easier to write code that uses mutation. It doesn’t always make code icky and hard to debug. I’d say it’s more of a very mild code smell. A code musk, if you like.