And it’s great my buddy’s first thought was that my dad lived a block away and is a doctor.
And it’s great my buddy’s first thought was that my dad lived a block away and is a doctor.
As a Dr’s kid nothing you have said sounds unusual for your job. My dad didnt like getting calls asking for free care but he was more than happy to run to the neighbors house when my buddy, aged 5, called at 3am and said “The baby is blue!”. That baby is 45 years old now and not blue.
Hyundai has one only available in CA.
They let the kid take the radio because he said he could fix it and they wanted to distract us from the box of playboys also uncovered by the backhoe.
In the mid 1980s I visited a landfill as part of a school project. They took a back hoe and plowed over a mound and pulled out legible newspapers from the early 1960s. A kid found a working radio. You might be surprised how well some things get preserved in landfills.
Bing was great for image search for like a minute and then it got too good at it and found things that should be hidden from searches so it had to be made worse.
My team was all ps so maybe?
Im in playstation chat so something works
Played a match
Fortnite launches and I can have friends join. Going to try a match in a minute.
That’s why it is “one or two”. The guys that made DE weren’t capitalists. The guys that published and sold DE were capitalists.
Regardless it’s an incredibly silly claim to suggest capitalism ruined video games when so few examples of good non-capitalist games exist
There’s only one maybe two good video games not made by capitalists (Tetris and Disco Elysium).
I spent two years at that aforementioned wine shop emailing “I love you” to my co-worker buddy Rob should anyone have left open their email. Rob knew it was me but always made a point to thank the person who said they loved him.
The original monochromatic Castle Wolfenstein, blowing up Hitler with my buddy and his grandfather who lost family in the camps in Poland will always be a fun memory.
No traces but you are still sharing your financials on a screen
I worked in a wine shop that had banks of conputers that people could ise to look up reviewer’s rating on wines or place orders on our website. I ended up having to get IT to lock them down to only 6-7 websites because people would use them to try to access their banking. I had to explain to way too many people with jobs in high finance the risks of them doing this on a public computer. Too many idiots would do banking on a flight only to get robbed.
How much shoe polish do you go through monthly keeping a sheen on those oversized shoes?
There are plenty of national governments not engaged in genocide or imperialism. There are tons of governments better than China.
The internet as a physical entity was created by the telecommunications industry as they owned and laid all the cabling. Why would you think Clinton gave the internet to the 1% when telecoms owned the entirety of the phone and cable network to begin with?
He was the main character on Silicon Valley