I feel that’s going to be my only option; Rather than filtering him out entirely. That said he will continue to pop up in my feed no matter what I do unfortunately.
But I can live with that.
I feel that’s going to be my only option; Rather than filtering him out entirely. That said he will continue to pop up in my feed no matter what I do unfortunately.
But I can live with that.
Appears a lot on Technology & News subs.
Had to clear my own filters to see my post, im going backwards lol. Might just have to live with it.
Edit: Another suggestion for the app would be the option to allow my own posts and comments to display despite my filters.
Big businesses wont lift a finger to halt global warming, but the second their precious copyrights are attacked they go into full force.
Just imagine the level of control one rich man can have over the information highway.
Rupert Murdoch 2: Information Highway to Hell.
You can go out and buy the latest beefy card and within months games will be released that demand more than it can provide. You can try playing last gen games on current hardware to avoid fps losses. But if you want to play the latest releases, you’re better off limiting graphical settings to allow good fps.
But in this instance post your specs and what you are trying to run and people here can provide suggestions. But you will eventually see fps drops anyways; that and a lot of games are poorly optimised which results in loss despite bonkers hardware.