Check the reddit sub
Anytime 🦂
Check the reddit sub
Yea it probably is just that. Best thing to do is install a modded version of Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) with Play Store integration. Check the MustardChef github repo. Then use Mantis GamePad Pro for controller support for unsupported titles. That’s what i use and have all the best apps and games the Store has to offer. Performance is good now that WSA has Vulkan support, but not perfect just yet for 3D intensive titles.
Some more scripts for YouTube via Greasyfork/ViolentMonkey:
DeArrow is slow for me, so i reverted back to Clickbait remover.
I get mine all free here:
For what it’s worth, I don’t get any ads in this App, so give it a shot.
Lemming and Fennec
Is this opt-out applicable to EU/UK users?