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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Nah man. I’ll rephrase:

    Drivers are self-centered because:

    • they are one of the leading causes of death, and they convinced the world their convenience is worth it
    • they believe that they literally know better than AI and are better suited to have power over life and death
    • they’re out here tryna say passengers of AI cars should sign up to die automatically, when drivers are actually the ones who are today responsible for all deaths by car

    I made it easier to understand, hope it helps.

  • This will never be the case. Because nobody will buy an overpriced “yo, if there’s ever any doubt about, like, anything - just put a bullet in my head” machine. So nobody will sell it.

    Face it - you have the same thousands of pounds of metal today, and you’re the only one making decisions. You (drivers, as a community) have killed before, for selfish reasons: because you don’t want to die is the least selfish of them. Other hits include “didn’t wanna not get drunk with the homies”, “I really needed to answer that text” and “I have 10 minutes till home but the game starts in 5, it’s my favorite team, I can make it”. And you somehow seem to want non-drivers (passengers of AI cars) to have the same expectation that they will be a victim even when they get a car?

    Drivers are so self-centered it’s goddamn ridiculous.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoTechnology@lemmy.worldThe Mozilla Graveyard
    5 days ago

    Ads unfortunately have to exist if we still want all this online content

    I DON’T want all this online content. I’m not on instagram/facebook/tiktok/whatever two-word website/app the next generation will worship. I don’t tweet. I don’t follow influencers. The media I consume is mostly youtube, and even that’s been recently decreasing. The internet can die tomorrow and I won’t miss anything that ran on ads, the biggest impact would be that now I can’t buy things online so I’d need to physically purchase some items.

    Fuck this version of the internet. If there’s ever a moment that adblockers stop fighting the good fight, I’m cutting costs and just not paying for internet anymore. It’s not worth it.

  • Oddly? This is not odd at all.

    It’s been a while sincce I wrote code, but I’ll try to remember. Basically disk size and ram size have no connection. Disk size is for already generated assets (maybe you need to remember how the planes look like, so you create assets for all the planes. Or you want to have textures for the scenery, or for the Lincoln monument, or whatever).

    But then you need to load those resources into RAM to access them faster, because if you try to load them directly from disk, it’s a lot slower. So some part of those 64GB of RAM is because you are loading some premade assets.

    But aside from this, there’s also dynamically generated data that you have no way of knowing about at the beginning of the program, so you can’t prepare in advance and generate assets for it. Like say for example the player wants to begin flying the plane - he’s gonna have some different inputs than any other player. Maybe he drives slower at the beginning, or goes a little to the right when he takes off. Or his destination will be completely different. You now need to remember his velocity, his position on the map, the direction of his flight, his altitude, his plane’s weight and who knows what else, I’m not a pilot. All of this, you allocate memory dynamically, based on user changes, and this uses the RAM as well.

    Not to mention - you can make a 1kb program that takes 64 GB of RAM. You just ask the operating system for that much memory. You don’t even need to fully use it. It’ll take you one line of code.

    All this to say - nothing odd about the program being smaller than the RAM requirements. It can mean it’s not optimized, but it can also mean it has a lot of dynamic calculations that it’s doing and a lot of stuff it needs to remember (and in the case of a flight Sim this wouldn’t surprise me).

  • They’re* literally fucked.

    It’s a lot harder to pass laws that discriminate vs exactly one business, than it is to sanction one particular country. With shell corporations, hiding accounts etc, there’s no way you can make a law that says “apple has to do X”. But you can pass sanctions against, eg: Russia.

    First corpo to buy a country is gonna quickly find out politics is harder than business, and greasing politicians’ pockets is harder when you have literally hundreds of countries you’re negotiating with.

    Also, armies. Try getting on the wrong side of country x, might get yourself a nice invasion pretty soon.

  • Some WiFi routers can be configured to not advertise their network; annoying because you’ll have to manually enter the network information on every device, but it might keep you from getting caught.

    Just name the network something like Samsung S20 Personal Hotspot. They’re not gonna look into why a student created a Hotspot with their phone.

    Or, shit - lock the fucking door.

  • Ah, but what you don’t know is that my TOS for when I watch a video is that if the video is bound by TOS, those employed by the company establishing the TOS are pedophiles and child abusers and I reserve the right to shoot them on sight.

    This is clearly printed on my router, the megabytes can read it when they enter my room. I also have it somewhere in a doc file on my laptop that’s been uploaded to my Google drive, as well as on this lemmy post that is unrestricted to the public. Google and any other entity have access to read this whenever they want.

    Time to go shoot some child molesters, yeah?

    Sidenote: I fucking hate people bringing up TOS. Any contract signed by one party is applicable to exactly that one single party, and my signature is vastly different from a mouse click.

  • You’re out of your mind if you think the regular guy off the street should:

    1. Know the difference between IMAP and POP3

    2. Know the inner workings of iMessage

    If Apple requires proof of understanding to sell their tech, they should submit users to a test. Otherwise, their tech should work how the users expect it to. And deleting messages when I press the damn “delete” button is how any sane person expects things to work. Now, if Apple wants to make a copy and store it in their asshole, and I have to penetrate them anally to delete it as well? That’s fucking debatable in court if it’s a reasonable expectation for a user to have.

  • Oh yeah, I feel that. I got a nice beach towel with my company’s name on it some years ago, of course I couldn’t take it to the beach, I’d feel silly. But on the other hand - nobody sees it if I use it in the shower. Man, that company name has touched my dick&balls so many times I’m thinking I should marry it at this point.

    I always try to make them put the branding in shitty places. For the umbrella I got them to print it on the classy wooden handle, instead of the fabric, exactly where you’d hold the thing. That way it’s still usable, you just need to hold your hand over the brand name. And on some other shit like wireless earbuds & smaller objects, the guys doing the printing can sometimes provide smaller velvety satchels to put the objects in, kind of like a gift bag, and I can usually print on those. Then you’re just left with the plain unbranded object when you inevitably throw away the satchel.

  • Aa someone who has misspent a budget before - you’re making it sound like a lot more people in the company care about the topic than what’s happening in real life.

    I organize some events in our office every now and then. For example, one of them is a sort of competition/race/quiz/whatever - completely optional, but I get about 75% of the office to join, which in my experience - that’s huge, nobody joins any type of other events in such magnitude, usual rates are at 30-40%. The big bosses approve it because “morale” and “team building”. The people like it because it’s actually fun. So I get a budget to spend on this event, and we use it to buy “prizes” for literally everyone participating. Which means they’re shitty prizes, but hey, it’s not about winning first place, it’s about making some jokes at the bosses’ expense, on company time.

    The way the process works is: all my bosses already know how this money is spent, and they approve. But because I need the money, it has to go through finance. And they involve marketing/PR guys. And these guys insist on having the fucking logo on everything. At the end of the day everyone is going home with several items (backpack, external battery, pen, umbrella, Swiss army knife etc) with the company logo on them, which is goddamn ridiculous. It’s actually one of the reasons I always refuse to receive items, even if the budget includes the organizers - because I really hate the branding aspect.

    But all that aside - you see the aftermath of this event and you’ll draw the conclusion that we just spent the day in a corporate culture workshop, when in fact we were answering silly questions and getting imaginary points the entire day, but there’s ONE guy in ONE department who can’t let things slide. So… Idk man. Take it with a grain of salt next time. The agile dudes probably did it to get away from other things for a few hours, and they got the budget to also give something back to the coworkers. But not everyone really cares about agile, they’re just going through the motions.

  • /c/fuckcars is that way, thanks for stopping by

    Cars will never be dethroned. Yes, trains are cool - choo choo motherfucker. Yes, bikes are environmentally friendly. Yes, the car is a truly fucking horible answer to the question “how to get from A to B”.

    But that’s because cars are the answer to the question “how to get from A to B comfortably”. I don’t want my baby and my in-law to get on the back of my bike when we’re going camping. I don’t want to take the train and then walk 2 miles from the station every single fucking day with 20kg of tools in my hand, because shit, the train doesn’t stop next to my house, and it doesn’t stop next to my work. I want to be able to have acces to comfortable transportation.

    So the answer will still be the car. Even with everyone crying about it. Cause the cat’s out of the bag with cars, we made them efficient and cheap enough to not be considered luxury items anymore. And some countries (see: US) have their entire infrastructure built with cars in mind. You’re never putting the lid back on this, even if it’s a decent idea.

  • They’re not trolls, just Unix-pilled dumbasses who can’t accept their 4% club isn’t the literal holy grail they want it to be.

    Linux is great, yeah. You know what else is great? Playing games. Not debugging drivers. Stable configurations. Not sucking Torvalds’ dick. Coming home after my job and just doing whatever the fuck I want on my PC, instead of putting on my “Linux user” overalls and going back to what is basically another job, trying and failing to get the fucking OS to do one teensy little thing that there are 50 half-documented solutions for, 49 of which don’t work.