Counter strike?
What did you expect
It’s beehaw news no?
Ok. But how long can it last then? We need a big community where you can attract everyone. It’s good that there are allot of different bubbles too. But we also need a few huges ones willing too do the heavy lifting so there is some real content which attracts everyday readers and content creators.
Ok but content wise we need the power of the number. Reddit has an immense user base. So there’s an immense community where you ask literally anything. I dont mind paying at all. I pay for allot of services that i like. I donate money to opensourcesoftware etc. I am building my own lemmy instance to help to help the community. But since the problem for beehaw is the modding part of bad actors/trolls/spammers. There must be something a man can do to help :) I like it here. Kinda more than I liked reddit. Because it is up my favorite alley. Open and coming from the community.
Thank you for the responses i will use your advise wisely!