Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • I can’t quite get a read on if you’re being sarcastic or not, but if you are you should know that there are curated porn blocklists for pihole. This obviously won’t stop anyone from accessing porn via nsfw channels on sites that are not exclusively nsfw, like lemmy, Reddit, tumblr, or whatever.

  • Run pihole with a MikroTik router at your houses demarc.

    Set up firewall rules in the tik to redirect any packet with dst tcp/udp 53 outbound on wan to the pihole. If you’re worried about dns when pihole is down, create disabled rules to allow the dns traffic as well, then set up a scheduler script using if blocks to toggle the sets of rules depending on status. This will force any client on your network, even one with hardcoded dns IPs, to use the pihole.

    If the client is configured for DoH you’ll just have to build out an ip block list in the MikroTik and block all known DoH IPs.

    Create firewall rules to drop all vpn traffic you can, combining port based rules and similar IP lists as for DoH, but subbing in VPN provider IPs. If you want to route your home traffic over a vpn, set up a vpn client in the router itself and basically site-to-site your home to the vpn provider you use.

    This would block the vast majority of kids trying to bypass parents blocks, but it’s asking quite a lot from the parents who don’t have experience configuring this stuff already.

  • To add some context to the other replies you’ve gotten, the restrictions were on streamers and reviewers who would be playing the game, not sure if it was an agreement for prerelease access or not though.

    I also don’t know if the DDoS was related, but I think the issue was a Chinese developer trying to force non-Chinese streamers to avoid talking about topics embarrassing to or prohibited by the Chinese government.

    The restrictions might not connect to any actual game content, but by even bringing it up the developers created the connection.

    What gives is right, but for the developers. They managed to Streisand effect their shit, but over something that didn’t even exist in the game in the first place.

  • For what it’s worth, both Android and iOS are vulnerable to zero click RCEs, see NSO Group and their Pegasus spyware.

    One of the reasons we don’t really have zombie phones in botnet swarms is because selling the RCE on the grey market is way more lucrative than burning it to infect some devices for a botnet since phones are way more attractive targets than computers if you’re actively targeting an individual.

    A fully compromised smartphone is will give access to practically all of a target’s communications: their phone calls, SMS messages, encrypted text messaging (Signal/WhatsApp/iMessages) and probably their email as well. You will also gain access to a good portion of their web browsing, and their is a very good chance you will gain access to their 2FA as well (Authenticator application or SMS) allowing you to further easily compromise any of their online accounts. Plus, you gain access to any files on their phone (which are often very good kompromat if your goal is to blackmail), their live location and the ability to spy on them covertly through the camera and the microphone.

    Compare that to a laptop. You gain access to some of their web browsing, some files (often only professional in nature), and maybe access their camera and microphone some of the time, since the laptop isn’t always on and beside you.