Not everything. There’s a list of currently supported and unsupported apis on the docs. Streams aren’t supported at all, for example.
Invincible is pretty good.
Enjoying it, but wondering if I’m missing a way to work backwards to find communities.
I’ll give an example - Sleep Token, a band I like, released an album not too long ago. If I Google “reddit sleep token”, I can see a few communities like /r/metalcore and /r/progmetal discussing them, so I can guess I might want to join those communities.
If I Google for “lemmy sleep token”, I get a bunch of random websites with articles about sleep token with links and quotes about motorhead.
Whats the strategy for working backwards like that on Lemmy? Is there one?
I’m skeptical, but not enough to write it off completely just yet. Definitely skeptical enough to not preorder, though.
OOP definitely doesn’t get to claim static types for only itself either. Fuck that.