It wasn’t end to end encrypted though because that wouldn’t have allowed server side virus scanning
It wasn’t end to end encrypted though because that wouldn’t have allowed server side virus scanning
openSUSE probably has the best out of the box btrfs experience
YaST has so many awesome funktions
Btw if Enterprise support is needed SLE Desktop is probably better than OpenSUSE
Are there any brave forks that throw out all the bullshit? Bold browser seems pretty dead
Are you already using something like ventoy, or do you refrain from using another usb stick?
Btw. Schön Didn’t plagiarize in his PhD thesis, the title was removed because of his other shortcomings
Oracle’s implementation of ZFS is Proprietary software. The original version was developed with an open source model By Sun microsystems, which was bought by oracle. And Oracle contributing to the Linux Kernel with BTRFS isn’t that ground breaking
AwesomeWM should allow switching workspaces independently if you want to try a dynamic tiler