Apple hit a sweet spot with this. x86_64 applications run at acceptable speed (making the transition easy for people who buy the hardware) while not being SO good that there’s zero reason for developers to start porting their software.
Apple hit a sweet spot with this. x86_64 applications run at acceptable speed (making the transition easy for people who buy the hardware) while not being SO good that there’s zero reason for developers to start porting their software.
apt dist-upgrade will sometimes resolve this.
Yes, but it’s a bit weird and the interface isn’t designed for it. I keep them separate, but I could see it being useful in a pinch.
If it’s not internet connected it’s not that big of a deal
God forbid you try to look good for your wife 🤷
They don’t. If the roles were reversed they’d be having a parade.
Apple users do have a choice. Apple isn’t the only game in town. If those users disagree with Apple and want Tate shit, they can use a different platform.