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Could be great for families/spouses that only have 1 headset to play together. Thought they’ve been pretty slow on the roll out, I think it was first announced at least a year ago.
Ha, I thought this was a new metroid. I was like this doesn’t look anything like I thought it would.
Yeah I’m waiting for the patch to start this.
I’m gonna test it, not buy. Not really a headset for gamers.
Too bad the latency is really high encoding/decoding. I was really hoping the q3 would have a faster decoding, and Nvidia 4x didn’t really help speed encoding either.
Great overview of why its so great: https://youtu.be/9B7Wg6Xbreo?si=WwqPloZ5ERctlPsY
This guy is my favorite reviewer, any recommendations for others you trust?
I wonder if this would enable hip base movement like the decamove did?
Seems like good picks to me
Finally… this will be the big wow app to show family members over Christmas. 5 stars all the way ;)
Nice list… btw I’m in the process of building a gforce haptic chair for gt7. I’ve been holding off playing much until it’s done.
I’ll pin for a few weeks for visibility.
I’m gonna wait for the quest 3 optimistizations… it’ll take me a year to play though anyway.
Top games: Vertigo 2, Meow Wolf walkabout course, room of realities, puzzling places multiplayer, and fisherman’s tale 2.
Top experiences: David Attenborough, recombination, amaze vr
Not sure if that’s enough to overcome the mediocre gameplay ( from what I’ve read, I have played it myself)
Just wait, it’ll be worth it.
There’s also a pickleball game from the eleven table tennis team, wonder which will be better.
Yeah, $4 is a bargain for what you get.
I only played the quest one but it’s one of the best. I’m sure psvr2 is even better, at least graphically. The cut scenes are usually quick it’s not that bad.
I buy on meta store as I usually have a ton of referral discounts. If it has enhanced graphics I’ll play the pcvr cross play version over virtual desktop. I think the performance is actually better than the steam version with the VD openxr runtime.