• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • My drive to nix was so I could simply manage what packages I had installed with a text file. If I removed something from the file, I expect it to be uninstalled. I never found a tool/wrapper for apt to do this.

    If you want to start with nixos, I would take whatever distro you are on and install nix and then home manager. Then, you can slowly migrate your user configuration over without starting from scratch. That worked really well for me going from ubuntu to nixos.

  • Niri looks really cool. I’ve used tiling WM before but scrolling is a unique take, perhaps more productive for some folks?

    Nushell is a good one. I do data science for a living and it’d be nice to have the shell handle some small data transformations instead of writing a script in python. But all the syntax and behavior is very different than bash, so I’ve been afraid to start because of the learning curve.

  • From my short time with proxmox, I had to dive into the command line to do configuration at the host level that couldnt be done with the UI. I think nixos will help replacd those ad hoc configurations with nix options. In the many articles I read about gpu passthru, and also doing harddrive passthru, I had to work in the host debian environment.

    I dumped proxmox because I couldnt get gpu passthrough to work, and havent looked back. Nixos modules and docker have served me better than VMs for my usecase.

  • As a community, I do think we get hungup on distros. Most of them, as you mentioned, are just different defaults of the same packages.

    But at the maintainer level, I do think theres a lot of work distributions do at making sure the software they choose as defaults are up to date, secure, and work with one another. I dont enounter it often, but relying on maintainers to prevent mismatched depencies ending up in the day-to-day linux user has to be worth something. And every set of defaults needs that level of assurance, I would think. Im not a maintainer, I could be off here.