Quite possibly a luddite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The spelling thing bothers me a lot. I don’t want to catch bad habits of writing shitty just because it’s whatever seems trendy at the moment.

    People used to give me shit for not using smileys, so I started adding :) everywhere in text messages. Then people told me I seem passive aggressive because I use :) instead of emojis.

    Joke’s on them. I could never be arsed to use emojis outside of very specific contexts, and now gen Zs are making fun of them for looking like boomers with their dumb emoji use. Apparently I still come across as passive aggressive though.

  • Often people are looking for some sort of validation, even when it’s not obvious.

    If they say “I can’t join you in the bar today, I have too much work to catch up on”, “K.” is not a good answer. Several aspects needs to be addressed, ideally:

    1. That’s too bad
    2. Next time
    3. Commentary on the state of work: Keep your head above water/your boss is such a jerk/we’ll make up for it after your deadline on Thursday/whatever, depending on the situation and your relationship.

    Basically, it’s a way to show that you care about what they’re telling you. It can be a bit exhausting at times.

  • If you want to crazy with the keyboard, consider switching to Dvorak instead! It’s an investment of course, but you get used to it surprisingly quick and the typing experience is a lot better. As for the function button you can always just remap them to your preference, I don’t see the point in making a fuzz. Most distros are also made with a PC keyboard in mind, not that I know if that matters.

    As for GNOME vs KDE, it’s up to personal preference. I enjoy my GNOME setup a lot, running just a couple extensions to get it just the way I like it. I enjoy that there are very few options and distractions around that I am not interested in. And I of course understand that other people prefer KDE. It’s great that there are two dominant DEs with such completely different design philosophies.

  • It’s a friendly community, and Lomiri is a great DE that people have also gotten up and running on [other distros].

    For the time being it runs better on Android devices than on “pure” linux phones such as the PinePhone, but I have great experiences with it. If you don’t depend on other IM services than Signal you could probably use it as a daily driver on several phones already.