I haven’t played it (yet?), but I’ve seen a few reviews and it looks like there’s many cutscenes (as in watching a 2D screen) and not as much interactivity. Has anyone played the Quest version and can compare it to that? Is it the exact same amount of cutscenes? How does the knife compare between the two? And differences on how much is interactive between the two?

  • echo64@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    They are very different games. The quest version is the original 2004 game in vr. The psvr version is the modern 2023 remake made in vr.

    The level of interactions are the same as in the other two modern console resident evil vr games. It’s not about picking up bottles and going woo look I can pick them up, it’s more about your interactions with the game and the gunplay.

    The cinematics are just the cinematics from the flat-screen game