Hello everyone, I have some questions and need food for thought about clamAV. First, do you use it and why ? If yes, how are you running it ? I plan to maybe use it for nextcloud (and *arr stack later)
ClamAV is mostly for filtering things on mail servers or uploads to a shared resource like a wiki.
You can also use it as a system virus scanner, but most viruses it detects are Windows viruses.
So, for nextcloud and automatic torrenting it should not be too bad to protect windows users ?
I do use ClamAV. Most users just run some sort of daily scan, but this is remedial and not preventative.
In order to truly harness clamav’s potential, you need to configure clamonacc on-access scanning. It passes items off to clamd with lowered privileges and prevents file access through inotify until its realtime scan has cleared.