Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is out now, and we’ve verified that it has VR support at launch. However, like many others, we’re unable to get past the loading screen, due to server issues that Microsoft has acknowledged in a public statement: "We are aware of user reports of long initial loading times into Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.

With so many users initializing the sim concurrently, we have a large number of server requests. We are working to help resolve the issues as soon as possible.

For users whose initial load is past 90% and no longer progressing, we recommend a reboot. Otherwise we advise waiting to allow the loading to proceed as normal."

    4 months ago

    Got to play it for a bit, got my PPL in career mode and did one of the first flight missions. It was fun! Wanted to do a free flight in a helicopter and it crashed to desktop and now I’m back in the queue. Over all, as someone that mainly flies in DCS, I like it. Msfs20 got boring for me fairly quickly but with the missions and progression I like ‘24 so far, feel like it’s just the thing I’ll crave when I want a relaxed experience flying. Just wish the servers were less crappy right now lol