Not sure if this has already been posted since it’s kind of old news (early 2024), but I think that’s exciting. I’m currently looking into blog software with nice webgui and I might wait for this to become real. Looking at the announcement page, they seem to take it seriously and there’s continuous merged PRs since April until recently regarding AP on their GitHub.
This looks a lot like Writefreely.
I never tried writefreely, but I was under the impression that it’s really focused on, well, writing. Maybe it’s not used that much, but I would like to have the ability to easily upload pictures and include them in the articles with some formatting options etc.
You can do that but only under paid accounts.
The people who make writefreely are saying that they are working on making image uploads possible for self-hosted instances, not just their own at Currently if you are self-hosting you can insert an image but it must be hosted elsewhere and inserted via a markdown link.
I tried a random Writefreely instance and it was extremely barebones and had poor markdown styling. It gave me the impression that Writefreely is more for publishing short stories, rather than technical content.
(Is that the point of Writefreely?)