If by a “mixed way” you mean 1-2 days in office, that would never work for a lot of people for the reasons below.
- You have to commute those days.
- You have to find child care but it’s not consistent so your possibly paying more per day for the few days vs. getting a good rate for weekly.
- You have to carry all your equipment with you. (I personally have to carry my laptop plus the equipment I support which takes like 2 trips from the car to my desk plus time to set everything up.)
- Not all of team comes in the same day/same location, so your still on virtual meetings anyway.
To be fair a lot of this is my personal experience and other companies may work differently but for me, I’m staying fully remote. Good companies/teams make it work. If your company/team can’t work like there are other issues at fault.
I like to think uncanny valley exists because of other homo species we would have interacted with in pre-history. Obviously this is just a fun theory since we have evidence of mixing.