Actually, the percentage of drm free games on Epic is pretty high, sometimes the same game will be drm free on epic and require drm on steam. Games that do require epics drm though can fuck off (especially since their is no offline mode). List
Actually, the percentage of drm free games on Epic is pretty high, sometimes the same game will be drm free on epic and require drm on steam. Games that do require epics drm though can fuck off (especially since their is no offline mode). List
I’d recommend Brotato. It’s the same game style, but with a simplistic map and more complex upgrade system. Also it’s only five bucks
If your distro ships it, just go to Settings > Themes > Style and select the one you want. If your distro doesn’t ship it go on Advanced Settings > Add/Remove and then you should be able to find it there (you can also manually get the theme and decompress it to ~/.themes if it isn’t available in the theme repository)
This theme is only for other distros, not Linux mint and for those it depends if they ship both versions of the theme (over wise you can install it manually)
Don’t forget: Ability to see your library on the website
I just download the games that are drm free (which is actually quite a lot) and put a zip archive on my backup drive(s)
Wasn’t Memmy discontinued?
Like they say in their FAQ it’s source available but not open source
No, GameVault is source-available, meaning the code is open for you to explore and modify for personal use. However, you may not use it for commercial purposes.
They also have a paid premium version which is required to use third-party clients, so there will be no heroic integration unless you pay
Looks cool, to bad it’s not open source
What are you doing that cinnamon uses that much Ram? For me it is like half the ram idle compared to windows 10. Maybe a bug?
As I understand google is only prohibited from doing so because they are a monopoly and this would be abuse of their position, so smaller engines should be unaffected. For example, if I recall correctly, bing pays Vivaldi to be the default.
The problem is this isn’t the same for every distro and sometimes different versions of the same distro. Also sometimes you have multiple options to do the same thing. There isn’t really a definitive answer, so one would need to know your situation to answer this
This is so true. There have been many occasions where I thought someone was using TikTok, but it was just another app that looked exactly the same (Instagram, LinkedIn, some guitar learning app etc)
But think of the shareholders. They would loose so much money they would probably have to sell their third yacht!
It allows you to use WhatsApp without giving them full access to your contacts, so privacy wise I do want this feature
Answer of Bitwarden founder:
Thanks for sharing your concerns here. We have been progressing use of our SDK in more use cases for our clients. However, our goal is to make sure that the SDK is used in a way that maintains GPL compatibility.
- the SDK and the client are two separate programs
- code for each program is in separate repositories
- the fact that the two programs communicate using standard protocols does not mean they are one program for purposes of GPLv3
Being able to build the app as you are trying to do here is an issue we plan to resolve and is merely a bug.
Care to share what parental control you are using on Linux?
Any good readers for IOS that don’t require a subscription (preferably FOSS)?
Never used Nixpkgs, but isn’t it a bit more advanced and not really for beginners?